(Good) New Years Resolutions

‘Tis the season for random goal setting. It’s that time of year when everyone starts to work out, read, eat healthier, etc.

Let’s be honest. Most of the time, it’s a huge waste of time.

Might I suggest a better take on New Years Resolutions?

What if we found some worthwhile goals to pursue this year? What if we actually made a plan to follow through? I’m not saying that getting in shape is a waste of time (it’s obviously very important to take care of yourself), but I am saying that there are likely even more important things for you to tackle this year. If you want to work out more to get healthy, eat better, learn an instrument, learn a skill, etc., then please do it! And do it well! Just don’t stop there.

I’m just saying maybe there are some deeper things we can pursue this year. Ditch the “new year, new me” platitudes and let’s do some actual growth this year in things that matter.

So here goes nothing. Here are some ideas to get us thinking. This year…

1. Learn and read about deeper things in a bigger way.

This starts with something simple: read the Bible. Start to finish. You can do it. It’s worth it. Don’t just read it, but study it.

Secondly, If you have been a Christian for a long time, but never actually read anything that helps you dig deep into knowing God, then you are missing out. Find some good books this year. Books that do more than entertain you, but deepen your mind about the things of God (Make sure they are biblical. Not everything on the “Christian Bestseller List” are actually biblical). Don’t keep going around living a shallow walk with God. Some people think studying theology is lame and dry. The truth is that we all have some sort of theology, the only question is whether or not what we believe about God is true. Use some good books to help that this year.

Recommended: “Pleasing God” by RC Sproul, “Just Do Something” and “Taking God at His Word” by Kevin DeYoung.

2. Pray more.

This one is pretty simple. If you aren’t praying, your spiritual walk is not going to deepen. At all. Setting a schedule might seem robotic, but it’s the best way to make a habit, and we need the habit of prayer. Start with praying for a different family member every day of the week, by name, personally. Put a friend or two on each day of the week too. Put a personal thing on the list (how you need help/growth/etc.). Put different ways to pray for your local church on there too. Pray for it to be used for God’s work in the coming year. And keep praying.

If somebody asks you to pray for something, then pray for it. And put it on the schedule to keep doing it week after week. And remind them that you are still praying for them. It will be far more useful and encouraging than we could ever know.

Prayer is the open admission that without Christ we can do nothing. And prayer is the turning away from ourselves to God in the confidence that He will provide the help we need. Prayer humbles us as needy and exalts God as wealthy. – Jon Piper

3. Serve in a bigger way

Ask for God to give you opportunities to give of yourself for the sake of others, for the sake of the Gospel. Change your schedule so that this year you can serve your family, friends, and local church, and ultimately God’s mission, well. Go on a missions trip, serve in kid’s ministry, bake food for others as an act of service, use whatever gifts you have to serve others.

4. Give in a bigger way

Often the biggest way to serve is to be willing to sacrifice with our wallets. Give in a bigger way. Give to support ministries (especially in your local church. Not so they can put in louder speakers or a new atrium, but so they can help the needy in your community well, so they can give to members of the church family who need desperate help, etc.). Give to friends who need help. Bless others by buying meals, even if they don’t ask you too. Give gifts. Be generous.

How might things look different if Christians were actually known for radical generosity?

5. Share the Gospel this year

Also simple. Pray for chances. Take them. Be serious about it. Don’t chicken out. Don’t worry about being smooth enough. Just tell other people about the good news of the Gospel this year. Put down names of friends you want to see brought to Christ this year. Pray for them, and preach them the truth as lovingly and constantly as you can in 2016.

And finally the one that’s the least fun…

6. Get rid of sin this year

No, you won’t be perfect when 2017 starts, but if you have sin in your life (and being a human being, you do) then stop putting up with it this year. Part of the reason the American church is in a relegated state is because us people in the church are hamstrung by sin they have in their lives. Pray that God would show you the things in your life that need to be removed, and ask for the conviction to get them rooted out. Enlist a friend that you trust to help you stay accountable.

“Do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you.” – John Owen

Let’s make, and pursue, some eternally important goals this year.



There’s a huge amount of things on the schedule this year for the site. Be sure to subscribe via email so you never miss a post. Every other Wednesday!